Unemployed, Underemployed, Dislocated
Advancing Your Career – Free Workshops
A FREE COMMUNITY SERVICE offered by the Center for Workforce Development to help everyone, employed or unemployed, to plan, network and learn the best practices from professionals who coach and teach what is needed while you are ADVANCING YOUR CAREER!
For more information and workshop schedules, go to www.ccm.edu/workforce/
Resources for Unemployed, Underemployed or Dislocated Workers.
CCM is committed to assisting community members who are unemployed, underemployed, or dislocated from their employment. Through partnerships with various agencies, some of whom provide training grants including the One-Stop Career Centers, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS), Displaced Homemakers (for more information, search CCM's The Women's Center) and other job seeker groups, the Center for Workforce Development offers a wide variety of programs with the goal of helping people get a job, get a better job, or be more effective in your field, or in a new field, through retraining and education opportunities. You may qualify for educational vouchers up to $5,000 covering: training, materials and exam fees. For more information, contact Morris/Sussex/Warren Employment and Training Services at msw-ets@co.morris.nj.us or call 973-285-6880. For potential funding opportunities, please visit our website at www.ccm.edu/workforce/