Arabic (ARA)

ARA-111. Elementary Arabic I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is designed for students with little or no prior knowledge of Arabic. Coursework combines the use of a textbook and other relevant and authentic materials for writing, reading, speaking and listening comprehension. By the end of the course, students are expected to master the writing and sound systems of Arabic, understand and use basic grammatical structures, have use of basic vocabulary words, comprehend short reading passages and understand simple utterances. Not intended for native speakers.

ARA-112. Elementary Arabic II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Students with one prior semester of Arabic expand their study of basic Arabic script, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of an elementary nature. Grammar study includes root consonants and word shapes, word order and agreement, plural and agreement of adjectives, dual nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjectives, and the past tense. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Arabic language proficiency. The cultural context of the language is also covered.
Prerequisites: ARA-111 or permission of department chair.

ARA-211. Intermediate Arabic I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course briefly reviews the grammar covered in Elementary Arabic II. It expands the Arabic vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills of those students wishing to attain intermediate knowledge of the Arabic language.
Prerequisites: ARA-112 or permission of department chair.