Design (DSN)

DSN-106. Introduction to Sewing and Textiles. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
A studio course that introduces the student to the primary aspects of fashion construction and textiles as they relate to garments. Content includes an overview of industry related equipment, tools, and patterns. Students will also be introduced to textiles, samplers, textile selections and simple garment construction.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-108. Two Dimensional Design for Designers. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
A studio course that explores a variety of techniques of visualization to develop and present design concepts. Students learn to use elements and principles to achieve a synthesis of form, space, composition, and content. Emphasis will be given on communicating ideas for realization as architectural and interior spaces, consumer products, packaging, and fashion design. The course is designed to address the range of formal issues, processes, and material practices students will encounter as they move into the more specialized areas of design
Corequisites: ART-122.

DSN-110. History of Design. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The History of Design is a survey of major developments of design as well as the methodology and cultural influences which impact particular designs. The nature, function and evolution of design are studied through innovations in the architectural, interior, industrial, decorative and fashion design realms. The development of concepts, their relationship to historical and cultural movements, and their impact on surrounding art and design communities will be explored.

DSN-115. Basic Drafting. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Basic Drafting is a beginner's course that provides a solid foundation for all design and engineering courses. The study of materials and techniques in this course introduces students to the many forms of graphical communication and how best to convey their ideas in a graphical form. A variety of techniques are explored from pencil on vellum to pen on Mylar with further rendering techniques offered to focus on the individual's Design discipline.

DSN-120. Design Concepts I. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Design Concepts I is a detailed exploration of scale and proportion through two and three-dimensional sketch problems varying in levels of complexity and duration. Design projects explore relationships between historical and cultural systems and human proportion. Verbal and graphic communication skills are emphasized as a method of articulating the development of visual concepts and solutions to design problems. Communication tools such as perspective are explored in detail. Projects, which include architectural, interior design, fashion and industrial design are reviewed through juried presentations.
Prerequisites: ART-122, DSN-108
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-125. Design Rendering. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Design Rendering is an advanced-level studio course that builds on the work completed in Drawing I, II and Drawing for Designers. The course concentrates on producing virtual product,fashion, architecture and interior images through the means of controlled light. Emphasis is placed on setting up proper perspective and generating a line drawing as an underlay. Color marker techniques are stressed as well as color pencil. In addition, pen and ink techniques and pastel are explored. At the end of the course, each student has a collection of portfolio quality renderings that demonstrate a high level of competence in a chosen field of design.
Prerequisites: DSN-108, DSN-120 and ART-122
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-135. Fashion Construction Technology I. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This course takes a hands-on approach to the design, construction and presentation of fashion apparel, custom made clothing and costuming for stage and screen. Construction techniques, fabrics, tools and equipment are explored in detail in the classroom and the community. Draping as a means of design and basic pattern drafting are explored. Students develop the skills necessary to construct and present projects of their own design to a panel of peers and professionals.
Prerequisites: DSN-106
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-145. Introduction to Fashion and Visual Merchandising. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This class explores the interrelationship between the consumer and the various sectors of the fashion industry. Students learn the principles and techniques that fashion merchandisers use in making key decisions on buying and product sourcing, store planning and layout. Students review actual case studies and take on projects that engage the merchandising planning and decision-making process. This course is highly recommended for design and business students with interest in fashion merchandising and store plan layout.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-146. Fashion Merchandising II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This course explores the interrelationship between the consumer and the various sectors of the fashion industry. Students learn the principles and techniques that fashion merchandisers use in making key decisions on buying and product sourcing, store planning and layout. Fashion as a retail component is also discussed. Students review actual case studies and take on product development projects designed to enhance their comprehension of the subject. Course introduces business math as an applied principle to merchandising.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-160. Fashion Construction Technology II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This intermediate course in fashion construction techniques concentrates on the details that set couture sewing apart from ready-to-wear and standard home sewing. The student explores hand-detailed sewing, speed techniques and embellishment while improving their skills in construction. Basic sewing knowledge is a must for this class.
Prerequisites: DSN-135 or permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-165. Drawing for Designers. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
A studio course that introduces the design student to the many techniques of drawing required for a design professional. The course explores perspective, line quality and the graphic visualization process as well as method, materials and subject matter. Students learn to use rapid visualization skills in solving complex design problems.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-219. Advanced CAD 3D Modeling. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Upon completing CAD I and CAD II, students are next expected to acquire advanced skills in 3D modeling. This course expands on the lessons learned in CAD I and II and teaches the students valuable skills that are critical to the product and build environments. Working with advanced digital imaging software like Adobe Revit, students learn to generate modeled images with a critical determination.
Prerequisites: ENR-117, ENR-118, DSN-120.

DSN-220. Design Concepts II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Design Concepts II is a continuation of Design Concepts I through projects focusing on the design methodology of problem solving. Projects explore design problems through sketches and three-dimensional scaled models of products and spaces. Students are expected to apply their entire design, visual and technical experience to the development and communication of visual concepts. Projects relevant to architectural, industrial design, interior design and fashion emphases are assigned. Project work will be reviewed through juried presentations. The role of CAD as a design tool is introduced.
Prerequisites: DSN-120
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-234. Independent Study in Design. 1-3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course provides an opportunity for selected students to participate in independent work under close supervision of a Design faculty member. Interested students should make their interest known to the department chair early in the prior semester. The chair will determine criteria for selection. OR - A project designed with a faculty advisor. The student is responsible for developing a statement of goals and objectives, maintaining a weekly log and submitting a summary project.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.

DSN-250. Design Portfolio Preparation and Review. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Portfolio Preparation and Review guides students in the selection of studio work appropriate to include in their portfolios. Students improve, restore, repair or complete any work necessary to the portfolio. Students assemble, collate and document all work in the physical and digital form in preparation for submission to targeted transfer institutions, prospective employers or clients. Students create written documents including resumes, and cover letters as well as e-portfolios to support professional activities. Establishing a professional presence through social media will also be explored. A final exhibition and formal presentation of the portfolio and supporting materials are required.
Corequisites: DSN-220.

DSN-255. Fashion Design Computer. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising students learn to design fashion garments and generate fashion promotional utilizing the computer and advanced digital imaging software. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are utilized along with other modeling programs.
Prerequisites: DSN-120 or permission of department chair.

DSN-291. Special Topics in Design I. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
The Special Topics in Design I course allows for the insertion of relevant but unscheduled courses into the curriculum. The course content includes specific technical or aesthetic topics that have both a lecture and a laboratory (studio) component in an area of Design.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-292. Special Topics in Design II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
The Special Topics in Design II course allows for the insertion of relevant but unscheduled courses into the curriculum. The course content includes specific technical or aesthetic topics that have both a lecture and a laboratory (studio) component in an area of Design.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

DSN-293. Special Topics in Design III. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The Special Topics in Design III course allows for the insertion of relevant but unscheduled courses into the curriculum. The course content includes specific technical or aesthetic Design topics that may be delivered in a lecture format.