English (ENG)

ENG-030CL. Composition I Writing Lab. 0 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs
This course serves as the mandatory lab component of ENG111CL and maintains the same learning goals and outcomes as ENG-111CL.
Corequisites: Placement code LDEW or MMEW and ENG111CL.

ENG-035CW. Composition I Writing Wkshop. 0 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course serves as the mandatory workshop component of ENG-111CW and maintains the same learning goals and outcomes as ENG-111CW
Corequisites: Placement code of LDWS or MMWS and ENG111CW.

ENG-111. English Composition I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The first half of the 6-credit English Communications requirement emphasizes the fundamentals of written communications including expository prose, reading comprehension and interpretation, and rhetorical modes.
Prerequisites: Placement code LDEC, MMEC, or MMWSR.

ENG-111CL. Composition I and Lab. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
ENG-111CL fosters students' proficiency in writing skills, grammar, and paragraph development to support and enrich their study and practice of college level writing which emphasizes the fundamentals of written communications, including expository prose, reading comprehension and interpretation, and rhetorical modes.
Prerequisites: Placement code LDEW or MMEW.

ENG-111CW. Composition I and Workshop. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
ENG-111CW is designed to increase the student's proficiency in writing skills, grammar, and paragraph development. Students will transition into college level writing which emphasizes the fundamentals of written communications including expository prose, reading comprehension and interpretation, and rhetorical modes.
Prerequisites: Placement Code LDWS or MMWS.

ENG-112. English Composition II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The second half of the English Communications requirement continues emphasis on expository prose and critical writing through the use of literary genres. Methods of literary research and a research paper are required.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-113. Creative Writing. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A workshop course designed to encourage and develop talent in the writing of poetry, short fiction and/or drama. Class discussions center on manuscripts submitted by the students.
Corequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-114. Advanced Creative Writing. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A writer's workshop designed for students who have successfully completed Creative Writing and who wish to improve their work through discussion of class submissions and the works of established writers.
Prerequisites: ENG-113.

ENG-115. The Short Story. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A study of the short story as a specialized art form, involving the study of writing techniques and styles, films and critical analysis of selected stories.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-116. The Novel. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of novels both classic and contemporary, with particular attention to the methods by which such novels are created. Included may be novelists as varied as Dickens, Camus, Flaubert, Vonnegut, Dostoyevsky, Bellow, Joyce and Hesse.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-118. Children's Literature. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of children's literature including poetry, picture books, fairy tales and folklore, myths and epics, realistic fiction, and fantasy, with a special emphasis on multicultural and ethnic works.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-119. Introduction to Poetry. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Designed for the beginner to develop skill and confidence in reading, understanding, evaluating and appreciating poetry. Includes a wide variety of material but emphasizes short lyrics by major British and American authors. Students are not required to write original poetry.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 orENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-121. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An overview of the study of language. The course examines the fundamental concepts of language, structure, development, and variation. Major topics include morphology, syntax, phonology, phonetics, semantics, language change, typology, language contact, language acquisition, and language and computers.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-122. Introduction to the Drama. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An introduction to world dramatic literature through study of the development of drama and its various genres. The course will focus on the cultural, literary and political contexts of individual works by diverse playwrights from Ancient Greece to the present day.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131.

ENG-123. Introduction to Linguistics - Honors. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The course examines the fundamental concepts of language structure and dynamics, including language development, variation and change. Students are required to apply and expand basic theory through independent research and projects that are presented to the class.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131 and permission of department chair or honors advisor.

ENG-131. English Composition I Honors. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An advanced course in rhetoric and expository writing for students selected on the basis of academic record, testing or writing samples. Enriches the reading materials and assignments of English Composition I with supplementary materials designed to challenge the advanced student.
Prerequisites: Permission of honors advisor.

ENG-132. English Composition II Honors. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A continuation of English Composition I-Honors designed to challenge the advanced student. The course emphasizes expository prose and introduces students to short story, poetry and drama and is a continuation of expository writing techniques introduced in English Composition I-Honors. This course is designed to give the advanced student experience in analyzing perceptively and writing critically about three literary genres: short story, poetry and drama.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW or ENG-131 and permission of department chair or honors advisor.

ENG-210. Fantasy Novels. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course will explore fantasy literature as a reaction to the rationalism and realism that dominate post-industrial literature and will explore fantasy's ability to capture imaginations, offer alternative visions, and serve as an analysis of human nature and contemporary society. Authors may include J.R.R. Tolkien, Ursula Le Guin, George R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, N.K. Jemisin, and Patrick Rothfuss.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132.

ENG-214. Women in Film. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Films from c. 1913 to the present are examined for the diverse images of women which they convey. Issues of class, race, ethnicity, global perspective and sexual preference are considered. Films by women directors and writers are emphasized, but coverage also includes works by significant male filmmakers. Genres range from classical Hollywood narrative fiction to documentary, animation and avant-garde.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132 or permission of department chair.

ENG-224. Women in Literature. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Classic and contemporary literary works are examined for the images of women which they convey. Discussion focuses on relationships between such images and the realities of women's lives, past and present, in the United States and abroad. Issues of class, race, ethnicity, global perspective and sexual preference are considered in relationship to gender. Both male and female authors may be studied. Some film adaptations may be examined for comparisons with written works.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132 or permission of department chair.

ENG-233. History of the Theatre I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course presents a historical survey of the major developments in the theatre from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome through the time of Shakespeare. Students will become aware of the major developments in all areas of the theatre: acting, directing, design and theatre architecture.
Corequisites: ENG-112 or ENG-132.

ENG-234. History of the Theatre II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course presents a historical survey of the major developments in the theatre from the time of Shakespeare to the present day. Each historical period includes study of the major dramatists and their works.
Prerequisites: ENG-112 or ENG-132 and ENG-233.

ENG-243. World Literary Traditions: Beginnings to 1650. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A comprehensive survey of Western and non-Western literature from the ancient world to 1650. Among genres emphasized are epic, lyric and drama. Representative works from Europe, China, India, Japan and Africa are included.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW, ENG-112 or ENG-131, ENG-132.

ENG-244. World Literary Traditions: 1650 to Present. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A comprehensive survey of Western and non-Western literature from 1650 to the present. Representative works from Europe, China, India, Japan and Africa are included. Major authors may include Moliere, Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Tagore and Achebe.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW, ENG-112 or ENG-131, ENG-132.

ENG-246. English Classics From Beowulf to Paradise Lost: a Survey of Drama, Romances and Epics. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A chronological overview of England's early literary works by selected writers such as Chaucer, Spencer, Shakespeare, Marlowe and Milton.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132.

ENG-247. Romantics, Victorians and Moderns- Major British Writers of the 19th and 20th Centuries. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of the Romantic, Victorian and Modern periods of British literature, and a study of the growth of the novel. Major writers may include Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, E. Bronte, Browning, Arnold, Tennyson, Hardy, Lawrence, Yeats, Eliot and Joyce.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132.

ENG-249. American Literature From the Colonial to The Civil War. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of American literature from colonial beginnings to the Civil War, including but not restricted to Franklin, Cooper, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman. The influence of women, Native Americans, African Americans and others who contributed to the development of American culture may be examined as well as concepts such as Calvinism, Neo-classicism and Romanticism.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132.

ENG-250. American Literature From the Civil War To the Twentieth Century. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of literature written in America since 1865, including but not restricted to such writers as Dickinson, Twain, James, Wharton, Crane, Chopin, Eliot, Frost, Cather, Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Faulkner. The influence of women, African Americans, immigrants and others may be discussed along with cultural concepts such as Realism and Naturalism.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132.

ENG-283. World Literary Traditions: Beginnings - 1650 - Honors. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is the first part of a survey of world literature that focuses on classics from various cultures including Greek, Roman, Hebrew, Babylonian, Chinese, Persian, Japanese and European. Readings are intended to stimulate class discussions and thoughtful written assignments.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132 and permission of department chair or honors advisor.

ENG-284. World Literary Traditions: 1650 to Present: Honors. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is the second part of a survey of world literature that considers the major literary periods as reflected in classics of Western culture as well as African, Asian and Middle Eastern traditions. Attention is also given to racial issues. Readings are intended to stimulate both oral and written responses.
Prerequisites: ENG-111 or ENG-111CL or ENG-111CW and ENG-112 or ENG-131 and ENG-132 and Permission of department chair or honors advisor.