Health and Wellness (HES)

HES-107. Program Design and Implementation. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course provides students with the practical application of current testing procedures and instrumentation used in exercise testing. Students learn to perform and interpret the basic measurement protocols for cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, and blood pressure. Students learn the principles related to exercise prescription, develop the necessary skills to design and implement training programs as they relate to the components of fitness. Safeguards and effectiveness for all fitness levels are addressed.
Prerequisites: HES-111, open to Personal Trainer Certificate of Achievement students only
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-111. Introduction to Exercise Science. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is recommended in the first semester. This is an introductory course to acquaint students with the development and structure of the field of exercise science. The current scientific development of the field is stressed, with emphasis on basic exercise physiology, health and fitness.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-125. Stretching and Strengthening. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
This course provides a thorough presentation of exercises for improving strength and flexibility without the need for special equipment. Emphasis is on exercising safely and learning the importance of strength and flexibility in conditioning, injury prevention and rehabilitation. It is designed to give students the tools with which to create a personal exercise program. Students need to supply their own exercise mats.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-126. Personal Fitness. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
Students design and practice an exercise program that develops selected components of physical fitness. Each student undertakes assessments of various components of fitness.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-127. Weight Training. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
Basic principles of resistance (weight) training are taught, emphasizing training for general conditioning. Training programs for major muscle groups are developed and practiced. Equipment used includes free weights and some machines.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-128. Yoga. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
This is an introductory course in yoga covering basic hatha yoga postures and exercises. Breathing techniques, flexibility and muscular endurance are enhanced. The course helps relieve stress and develop a sense of peacefulness and tranquility while improving fitness. Students need to supply their own exercise mats.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-182. Golf I. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
A beginner's study and practice of the fundamental skills and basic rules of the game of golf. Topics include the make-up of the course, the grip, swing and stance, the equipment, and the rules. A portion of the course is held off campus at local golf facilities.

HES-186. Badminton. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
A beginning course which introduces the student to the basic strokes, rules and fundamental strategies of the game of badminton. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of newly acquired skills in game situations.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-187. Volleyball. 1 Credit.
LAB 30 hrs
This course develops techniques, skills and strategies of volleyball. Emphasis is on the development of the basic skills essential for success and enjoyment.

HES-211. Kinesiology. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This course emphasizes the analysis of the principles of movement through human anatomical design. Major joints of the body, their actions, and the muscles that do those actions are stressed. Application to physical exercise is stressed in lab work on strength, endurance, and potential motion of major joints.
Prerequisites: BIO-101 or BIO-133
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-212. Exercise Physiology. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This course includes the study of human responses and adaptations to exercise of varying levels of stress and intensity. Major topics include bioenergetics; the physiology of the circulatory, respiratory, muscular and nervous systems as they apply to exercise; and the underlying physiological basis of fitness. Laboratory experiences illustrate practical application of theoretical content with hands-on experiences to measure and apply what is learned in the lecture component of the course.
Prerequisites: BIO-101, BIO-102 and HES-111
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-213. Exercise Measurement and Prescription. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
This course stresses the appropriate measurement of various aspects of human exercise. Measurement of body composition, cardiovascular efficiency, muscular strength and endurance, and other physiological parameters are taught and practiced. Students learn how to develop individualized and properly designed exercise prescriptions for adults, including special populations.
Prerequisites: HES-212 (minimum grade of C)
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

HES-227. Exercise Science Internship (45-100 Hours). 1 Credit.
COOP 45 hrs
This introductory course provides students enrolled in the Exercise Science major with pre-professional, job-oriented training, practical work experience and/or career related exploration in a paid or unpaid work environment prior to permanent employment and/or degree transfer. The student will participate in planned, supervised work that integrates career related experience into their education. The duration of the experience ranges between 45 and 100 hours. The course may be taken in fulfillment of requirement or an elective in the Exercise Science curricula. Students desiring to participate in this experience should make their intention known to the department chair at the beginning of the semester prior to the semester in which they intend to do the internship.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.

HES-228. Exercise Science Internship (90-200 Hour s). 2 Credits.
COOP 90 hrs
This is a 2 credit course with a minimum of 90 contact hours in an internship setting. This course provides students enrolled in the Exercise Science major with pre-professional, job-oriented training, practical work experience and/or career related exploration in a paid or unpaid work environment in exercise science and related fields prior to permanent employment and/or degree transfer. The student will continue to build upon introductory experiences and participate in planned, supervised work that integrates career related experience into their education. Placements can include those with an emphasis in business, management, or patient/client services. The course may be taken in fulfillment of requirement or an elective in the Exercise Science curricula. Students desiring to participate in this experience should make their intention known to the department chair at the beginning of the semester prior to the semester in which they intend to do the internship. Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.

HES-229. Exercise Science Internship (135-300 Hou rs). 3 Credits.
COOP 135 hrs
This is a 3 credit course with a minimum of 135 contact hours in an internship setting. This course provides students enrolled in the Exercise Science major with pre-professional, job-oriented training, practical work experience and/or career related exploration in a paid or unpaid work environment in exercise related fields prior to permanent employment and/or degree transfer. The student will continue to build upon and further develop experiences and participate in planned, supervised work that integrates career related experience into their education. Increased emphasis and focus on identifying workplace issues as well as resolution takes place. Placements can include those with an emphasis in business, management, or patient/client services. The course may be taken in fulfillment of requirement or an elective in the Exercise Science curricula. Students desiring to participate in this experience should make their intention known to the department chair at the beginning of the semester prior to the semester in which they intend to do the internship. Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.