Italian (ITL)

ITL-111. Elementary Italian I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Not intended for students with two or more years of high school Italian. See department chair. This course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of, or with limited background in, the language. Emphasis is on fundamentals of conversation, reading and writing. Practice in pronunciation, basic vocabulary and the essentials of grammar, including present tense, prepositions and possessive adjectives. This course covers greetings, introductions, weather, describing people and places, talking about classes, family and other daily activities. The course is designed as part of four semesters of complete language study.

ITL-112. Elementary Italian II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Students with one prior semester of Italian expand their study of basic Italian pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of an elementary nature. Grammar study includes past tenses, irregular present tense. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Italian language proficiency. The cultural context of the language is also explored.
Prerequisites: ITL-111 or permission of department chair.

ITL-211. Intermediate Italian I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is intended for students whose study of the first year of this language is recent and who wish to acquire new skills in the language. As a continuation of grammar, double object pronouns, the comparative and superlative forms, the study of the future tense and the conditional forms are introduced. It also includes a review of grammar. Higher emphasis is given to conversation. Some short compositions are required.
Prerequisites: ITL-112 or permission of department chair.

ITL-212. Intermediate Italian II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course expands the Italian vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills of those students wishing to attain intermediate knowledge of the Italian language. Grammar study includes a review of all verb tenses, the comparative and superlative forms, and the study of the subjunctive mood in all tenses. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Italian language proficiency. The cultural context of the language is also explored.
Prerequisites: ITL-211 or permission of department chair.

ITL-221. Italian Conversation and Literature I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Intensive practice in speaking everyday Italian. Oral and written reports and discussions based on readings from Italian literature.
Prerequisites: ITL-212 or permission of department chair.

ITL-291. Special Topics in Italian. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An examination of selected topics or issues in Italian. Topics may differ each time the course is offered. Students should consult the department chair for further information.
Prerequisites: An advanced course in Italian or permission of department chair.

ITL-292. Special Topics in Italian. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An examination of selected topics or issues in Italian. Topics may differ each time the course is offered. Students should consult the department chair for further information.
Prerequisites: An advanced course in Italian or permission of department chair.