Japanese (JPN)

JPN-111. Elementary Japanese I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Not intended for students with two or more years of high school Japanese. This course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of, or with limited background in, the language. Emphasis is on fundamentals of conversation, reading and writing. Practice in pronunciation, basic vocabulary and the essentials of grammar is incorporated. Kana writing system and some Kanji writing characters are introduced at this stage.

JPN-112. Elementary Japanese II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Students with one prior semester of Japanese expand their study of basic Japanese language, script, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of an elementary nature. Grammar includes study of basic syntactical structures. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Japanese language proficiency. The cultural context of the language is also covered. At least 56 Kanji characters are introduced at this stage.
Prerequisites: JPN-111 or permission of department chair.

JPN-211. Intermediate Japanese I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The course is intended for students whose study of the first year of this language is recent and who wish to hone their skills. Students continue to study Kanji characters. Emphasis is given to vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing in an effort to enhance Japanese language proficiency. Some readings and compositions on cultural subjects are included.
Prerequisites: JPN-112 or permission of department chair.

JPN-212. Intermediate Japanese II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course expands the Japanese vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills of those students wishing to attain intermediate knowledge of the Japanese language. Students continue to learn more Kanji characters. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading and writing in an effort to enhance Japanese language proficiency. The cultural context of the language is also covered. Some readings and compositions on cultural subjects are included.
Prerequisites: JPN-211 or permission of department chair.