Music (MUS)

MUS-011. Basic Musicianship I. 0 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Requirement for Music Majors who do not pass the Music Theory I, MUS-117, placement exam. A pre-music theory course designed to develop reading skills through keyboard, sight-singing and ear-training. This course may not be used as a curriculum requirement for any major. Students must pass this course or an equivalent Music Theory placement exam to register for MUS-117 Theory I.

MUS-109. Applied Music Secondary-Voice I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
This course is a four-semester sequence planned to develop vocal ability and emphasizes vocal techniques, diction and sight-reading.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.

MUS-110. Applied Music Secondary-Voice II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
This course is a four-semester sequence planned to develop vocal ability and emphasizes vocal techniques, diction and sight-reading.
Prerequisites: MUS-109.

MUS-112. Introduction to Electronic Music. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An exploration of the physical properties of sound, synthesizers, music recording, music arrangement, and the history of electronic music.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-114. American Music. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of American Roots music from the 19th century to the present. Early Anglo and African influences are presented followed by 20th century folk, gospel, Hispanic, various styles of country, bluegrass and related acoustic music, various styles of blues and jazz, Cajun and zydeco, early R&B, soul and the beginnings of rock and roll.

MUS-117. Music Theory I. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
For Music Students only. This course is designed to stress the fundamentals of musicianship including the basic elements of sight-singing, ear-training, writing, playing, terminology and form analysis.
Prerequisites: MUS-011 or permission of department chair For Music Students Only
Corequisites: (MUS-125 or MUS-109) and MUS-135.

MUS-118. Music Theory II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
For Music Students only. This course is designed to stress the fundamentals of musicianship including the basic elements of sight-singing, ear-training, writing, playing, terminology and form analysis.
Prerequisites: MUS-117 For Music Students Only
Corequisites: (MUS-126 or MUS-110) and MUS-136.

MUS-124. Electronic Music II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is a continuation of Introduction to Electronic Music with increased application of sound systems and MIDI systems. Students produce recorded final projects.
Prerequisites: MUS-112
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-125. Applied Music Secondary-Piano I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
This course is a four-semester sequence designed to develop keyboard facility and is required of all music emphasis students whose principal instrument is not piano.
Prerequisites: Music Majors Only. Permission of department chair
Corequisites: MUS-117 and MUS-135.

MUS-126. Applied Music Secondary-Piano II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
This course is a four-semester sequence designed to develop keyboard facility and is required of all music emphasis students whose principal instrument is not piano.
Prerequisites: MUS-125
Corequisites: MUS-118 and MUS-136.

MUS-127. Principles of Strings I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For Music Students only. This course is designed to convey an understanding of the basic technical skills on violin studies with the first position.

MUS-128. Principles of Strings II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For Music Students only. This course is designed to complete the study of basic violin, viola techniques and the understanding of the proper pedagogical approaches.
Prerequisites: MUS-127.

MUS-129. Music in Early Childhood. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A course offering students a wide variety of meaningful experiences which provide a foundation for musical growth and understanding of early childhood music. This is a hands-on course in which students must participate.

MUS-133. Development of Musical Theater. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is an examination of the elements of the musical (singing, acting, dancing, song construction, story development) and an exploration of the beginnings of the musical theater from Europe to Broadway.

MUS-135. Applied Music Primary I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music emphasis students only. This course consists of one 50-minute private lesson per week (to be arranged) on student's primary instrument (or in voice). Students are expected to attend performance seminars and participate in public recitals. These courses are classical in emphasis.
Corequisites: (MUS-125 or MUS-109) and MUS-117
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-136. Applied Music Primary II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course consists of one 50-minute private lesson per week (to be arranged) on student's primary instrument (or in voice). Students are expected to attend performance seminars and participate in public recitals. These courses are classical in emphasis.
Prerequisites: MUS-135
Corequisites: (MUS-126 or MUS-110) and MUS-118
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-137. Applied Music Primary III. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course consists of one 50-minute private lesson per week (to be arranged) on student's primary instrument (or in voice). Students are expected to attend performance seminars and participate in public recitals. These courses are classical in emphasis.
Prerequisites: MUS-136
Corequisites: (MUS-225 or MUS-209) and MUS-215
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-138. Applied Music Primary IV. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course consists of one 50-minute private lesson per week (to be arranged) on student's primary instrument (or in voice). Students are expected to attend performance seminars and participate in public recitals. These courses are classical in emphasis.
Prerequisites: MUS-137 For Music Students Only
Corequisites: (MUS-226 or MUS-210) and MUS-216
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-139. Wind Ensemble I. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes group performance on all instruments with standard and new repertoire. Emphasis is on reading and musicianship. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-140. Wind Ensemble II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes group performance on all instruments with standard and new repertoire. Emphasis is on reading and musicianship. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-141. Wind Ensemble III. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes group performance on all instruments with standard and new repertoire. Emphasis is on reading and musicianship. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-142. Wind Ensemble IV. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes group performance on all instruments with standard and new repertoire. Emphasis is on reading and musicianship. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-143. World Music and Culture. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A survey of world folk music including material from Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, North and South America. Lectures and discussions are illustrated by recordings, DVDs and online resources. Students may be invited to contribute course subject matter by bringing personally favored music to be studied.

MUS-145. Chamber Choir I. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Required of all students in Curriculum 1190 and 2006. Includes performance of selected sacred and secular vocal chamber music. Students must have advanced vocal and technical ability. Participation in concerts and other scheduled appearances is required. Memorization is required.

MUS-146. Chamber Choir II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Required of all students in Curriculum 1190 and 2006. Includes performance of selected sacred and secular vocal chamber music. Students must have advanced vocal and technical ability. Participation in concerts and other scheduled appearances is required. Memorization is required.

MUS-147. Chamber Choir III. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Required of all students in Curriculum 1190 and 2006. Includes performance of selected sacred and secular vocal chamber music. Students must have advanced vocal and technical ability. Participation in concerts and other scheduled appearances is required. Memorization is required.

MUS-148. Chamber Choir IV. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Required of all students in Curriculum 1190 and 2006. Includes performance of selected sacred and secular vocal chamber music. Students must have advanced vocal and technical ability. Participation in concerts and other scheduled appearances is required. Memorization is required.

MUS-149. Introduction to Technical Theatre. 3 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
In this course students will be introduced to all facets of western technical theatre practices. Through a series of lectures, practical exercises, and projects, along with field trips to professional scene shops and theaters, students will explore various production roles, fundamental terminology, and conventional processes including maintaining a theater and scene shop, construction of scenery, hanging and focusing lights, sound and light-board operation, scenic painting, and building and acquisition of costumes and props. Students will practice and apply these skills in the actual creative process while developing time-management skills in the process. Throughout the semester the student will log a minimum of 30 hours of shop and production time assisting a Theatre Program production.

MUS-150. Jazz History and Styles. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is an examination of the styles and elements of this improvisational music from the 1860's to the present. This course focuses on the evolution of jazz from its roots in the blues and spirituals to the emergence of contemporary fusion and avant-garde styles.

MUS-151. Introduction to Lighting Design. 3 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
In this course students will explore the practicality & artistry of Lighting Design for the stage. Through a series of lectures, collaboration projects, and first-hand demonstrations, students will be able to explain and apply the properties and functions of Light while acquiring the knowledge and skillset to perform common duties of a theatrical electrician. This class also emphasizes critical thinking while analyzing scripts, synthesizing artistic and stylistic choices and their effects on the stage. Students will be challenged with a hands-on training approach; assisting with various light hangs and focuses, as well as learning how to program and operate an ETC Ion lighting console. Upon completion students will gain an overall working technical knowledge of electricity, the equipment and tools of the trade, and learn how to apply them to a final design. Throughout the semester the student will log a minimum of 30 hours of shop and production time assisting a Theatre Program production.

MUS-152. Piano I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For non-music majors. Group lessons in the fundamentals of piano playing. This course includes the study of scales, arpeggios, and simple accompaniments. Keyboard experience is not required. Course is designed specifically for the non-music major.

MUS-153. Piano II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For non-music majors. Group lessons in the fundamentals of piano playing. This course includes the study of scales, arpeggios, and simple accompaniments. Keyboard experience is not required. Course designed specifically for the non-music major.

MUS-154. Piano III. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For non-music majors. Group lessons in the fundamentals of piano playing. This course includes the study of scales, arpeggios and simple accompaniments. Keyboard experience is not required. Course designed specifically for the non-music major.

MUS-155. Piano IV. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For non-music majors. Group lessons in the fundamentals of piano playing. This course includes the study of scales, arpeggios and simple accompaniments. Keyboard experience is not required. Course designed specifically for the non-music major.

MUS-159. Guitar I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
Open to all students. Group guitar instruction in fundamental guitar techniques. Studies include plectrum and finger style, position reading, scales and chord construction. Course designed to accommodate non-guitar music students as well as non-music majors.

MUS-160. Guitar II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
Open to all students. Group guitar instruction in fundamental guitar techniques. Studies include plectrum and finger style, position reading, scales and chord construction. Course designed to accommodate non-guitar music students as well as non-music majors.

MUS-163. Rock History and Culture. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course traces the evolution of rock music from 1955 to the present and examines the cultural impact of the music form on contemporary society.

MUS-165. Introduction to Music Recording. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An introduction to the commercial recording studio. Students explore the equipment and techniques used in the recording of various types of contemporary music. Topics include studio acoustics and design, sound and hearing, microphones and microphone technique, recording console and signal flow, analog and digital recording systems, and signal processing. Students receive handson experience on both analog and digital recording equipment during in-class demonstrations and workshops.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-166. Introduction to Music Business. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A general overview of all areas of music business including demo tape promotion, contracts, managers, copyright laws and publishing. Guest lecturers include prominent industry lawyers and agents. Project will include developing a professional press kit that will be presented to the artist at the end of the semester.

MUS-167. Music Recording II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A continuation of MUS-165 Introduction to Music Recording in which students explore more complex recording situations through individual student projects. Students receive hands-on experience in session set-up, miking, use of outboard signal processing, mixing and production.
Prerequisites: MUS-165
Corequisites: MUS-180
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-170. Symphony Orchestra I. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes performance of the classical symphonic repertoire for full orchestra. Rehearsals are held one evening a week. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-171. Symphony Orchestra II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes performance of the classical symphonic repertoire for full orchestra. Rehearsals are held one evening a week. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-172. Symphony Orchestra III. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes performance of the classical symphonic repertoire for full orchestra. Rehearsals are held one evening a week. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-173. Symphony Orchestra IV. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Includes performance of the classical symphonic repertoire for full orchestra. Rehearsals are held one evening a week. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-176. Aural Comprehension I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
An intensive aural experience designed to develop ear training skills through classroom activities and computer-based work stations.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-177. Aural Comprehension II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
An intensive aural experience designed to develop ear training skills through classroom activities and computer-based work stations.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-178. Aural Comprehension III. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
An intensive aural experience designed to develop ear training skills through classroom activities and computer-based work stations.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-179. Aural Comprehension IV. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
An intensive aural experience designed to develop ear training skills through classroom activities and computer-based work stations.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-180. Microphone Techniques. 2 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 45 hrs
An in-depth study of the different techniques used for miking an array of instruments from woodwinds, brass and strings, to drums and electric instruments. Students study the design of dynamic and condenser microphones, special microphones used for certain instruments, sound comparison between different types of microphones and microphone placement on instruments.
Prerequisites: MUS-165
Corequisites: MUS-167
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-182. Audio Production Techniques. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
An examination of the production techniques used in the recording of contemporary and classic music. The course focuses on the development of critical listening skills, as well as the use of different recording and mixing techniques in an effort to enhance the overall production value of a recording. Students produce a sound-alike project in which they must emulate the sound of a preexisting recording.
Prerequisites: MUS-165, MUS-167, MUS-180
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-184. Musical Theatre Production and Performance. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 30 hrs
Musical Theatre Production and Performance offers demanding training designed to prepare students for a career in musical theatre. Students participate in all aspects of the production from technical elements to a final performance.

MUS-185. Appreciation of Musical Theatre. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
The course charts the history of the American Musical from its roots in vaudeville and operetta to its flowering in the Golden Age of the 40s, 50s, up to the contemporary scene. Through the use of film clips, recordings, lectures and discussions, students will gain an understanding of an appreciation for one of American's greatest contributions to the arts.

MUS-201. Jazz Ensemble I. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for experienced instrumentalists to study and perform standard and current jazz literature. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-202. Jazz Ensemble II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for experienced instrumentalists to study and perform standard and current jazz literature. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-203. Jazz Ensemble III. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for experienced instrumentalists to study and perform standard and current jazz literature. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-204. Jazz Ensemble IV. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for experienced instrumentalists to study and perform standard and current jazz literature. Prior knowledge of instrument is required.

MUS-209. Applied Music Secondary-Voice III. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
A four-semester sequence planned to develop vocal ability. The course emphasizes vocal techniques, diction and sight-reading.
Prerequisites: MUS-110.

MUS-210. Applied Music Secondary-Voice IV. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For Music students only. A four-semester sequence planned to develop vocal ability. This course emphasizes vocal techniques, diction and sight-reading.
Prerequisites: MUS-209 or permission of department chair.

MUS-214. Form and Analysis. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
A study of larger forms which have evolved throughout music history. Emphasis is placed on score reading of symphonies, large choral works, operas, chamber works and sonata repertoire.
Prerequisites: MUS-117, MUS-118, MUS-215, MUS-216.

MUS-215. Music Theory III. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
For Music Students only. Designed to stress the fundamentals of musicianship including the basic elements of sight-singing, ear-training, writing, playing, terminology and form analysis. *Note: Music Theory, Applied Music Primary and Applied Music Secondary (Piano or Voice) are co-requisite courses and in most cases should be taken together. Please refer to your Curriculum Check-sheet and consult with your Academic Advisor for specific program requirement
Prerequisites: MUS-118 For Music Students Only.

MUS-216. Music Theory IV. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
For Music Students only. Designed to stress the fundamentals of musicianship including the basic elements of sight-singing, ear-training, writing, playing, terminology and form analysis. *Note: Music Theory, Applied Music Primary and Applied Music Secondary (Piano or Voice) are co-requisite courses and in most cases should be taken together. Please refer to your Curriculum Checksheet and consult with your Academic Advisor for specific program requirements.
Prerequisites: MUS-215 For Music Students Only.

MUS-217. Music History and Literature to 1750. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An in-depth study of music in Western civilization from ancient times through the Baroque period. Music from each period is discussed and analyzed.

MUS-218. Music History and Literature From 1750. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A continuation of Music History and Literature from 1750. A study of music from the late Baroque through the Romantic period. Includes analysis of representative works.

MUS-221. Chamber Ensemble I. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for players of wind, string, percussion and keyboard instruments to study, rehearse and perform selected works from chamber music literature (consisting of two to 10 players per ensemble). Sessions must be arranged. Students must play a wind, percussion, string or keyboard instrument.

MUS-222. Chamber Ensemble II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for players of wind, string, percussion and keyboard instruments to study, rehearse and perform selected works from chamber music literature (consisting of two to 10 players per ensemble). Sessions must be arranged. Students must play a wind, percussion, string or keyboard instrument.

MUS-223. Chamber Ensemble III. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for players of wind, string, percussion and keyboard instruments to study, rehearse and perform selected works from chamber music literature (consisting of two to 10 players per ensemble). Sessions must be arranged. Students must play a wind, percussion, string or keyboard instrument.

MUS-224. Chamber Ensemble IV. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
Designed to provide an opportunity for players of wind, string, percussion and keyboard instruments to study, rehearse and perform selected works from chamber music literature (consisting of two to 10 players per ensemble). Sessions must be arranged. Students must play a wind, percussion, string or keyboard instrument.

MUS-225. Applied Music Secondary-Piano III. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
A four-semester sequence designed to develop keyboard facility. Required of all music emphasis students whose principal instrument is not piano.
Prerequisites: MUS-126
Corequisites: MUS-137 and MUS-215.

MUS-226. Applied Music Secondary - Piano IV. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 30 hrs
For Music Students only. A four-semester sequence designed to develop keyboard facility. Required of all music emphasis students whose principal instrument is not piano.
Prerequisites: MUS-225 - Music Majors Only
Corequisites: MUS-216 and MUS-138.

MUS-227. Operetta and Music Theatre I. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
A theatrical production is the final objective in the course. Students, through rehearsal and performance, have a chance to have practical experiences with their art, i.e., staging, conducting, lighting, singing and general production work.

MUS-228. Operetta and Musical Theatre II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
A theatrical production is the final objective in the course. Students, through rehearsal and performance, have a chance to have practical experiences with their art, i.e., staging, conducting, lighting, singing and general production work.

MUS-229. Operetta and Musical Theatre III. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
A theatrical production is the final objective in the course. Students, through rehearsal and performance, have a chance to have practical experiences with their art, i.e., staging, conducting, lighting, singing and general production work.

MUS-230. Operetta and Musical Theatre IV. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
A theatrical production is the final objective in the course. Students, through rehearsal and performance, have a chance to have practical experiences with their art, i.e., staging, conducting, lighting, singing and general production work.

MUS-233. Independent Study in Music. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music Students only. This course is designed to allow students who have a specialized interest or who are pursuing a topic at an advanced level to engage in rigorous individualized study. The study must be designed by the faculty member and student and must be approved by the department chair.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-234. Independent Study in Music. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
For Music Students only. Independent Study in Music is designed to allow students who have a specialized interest or who are pursuing a topic at an advanced level to engage in rigorous individualized study. The study must be designed by the student and a faculty member and must be approved by the department chair.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-237. Cabaret Music Theatre. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
This course in cabaret theatre considers the revue-type of theatrical production which has been popularized in productions in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and on many college campuses throughout the country. A cabaret musical revue is the final project.

MUS-238. Cabaret Music Theatre II. 1 Credit.
LAB 60 hrs
This course in cabaret theatre considers the revue-type of theatrical production which has been popularized in productions in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and on many college campuses throughout the country. A cabaret musical revue is the final project.

MUS-240. Jazz Guitar. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course is recommended for guitar majors, jazz ensemble guitarists or those with equivalent skills. It covers harmonic and melodic aspects of jazz improvisation in a solo or ensemble setting. Topics include modes, arpeggios and chord structure, and inversions of seventh chords in all keys. Students must already have a working knowledge of the guitar, i.e., bar chords, major/ minor scales, some experience with notes and chord symbols. While this is not a class for beginner guitarists, beginner jazz players are welcome.

MUS-243. Musical Theatre Auditions. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course introduces the students to the preliminary work involved in the techniques of auditioning. The protocol of auditioning, including resume, agents, casting directors, scene reading and actual vocal selections, are covered in class.

MUS-244. Independent Study in Electronic Music I. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course is an exploration of analog synthesis techniques and devices designed to allow the student to pursue specialized topics to an advanced level. The study is project oriented.
Prerequisites: MUS-112, MUS-124
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-245. Independent Study in Electronic Music II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course is an exploration of the computer-based music workstation and digital technology designed to allow the student to pursue specialized topics to an advanced level. The study is project oriented.
Prerequisites: MUS-112, MUS-124, MUS-244
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-248. Enjoyment of Music. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Emphasis is placed on experiencing, discussing and realizing various musical styles throughout history to the present time. All music from the ancient to even today's most popular styles are covered, but with specific attention given to how to listen and appreciate each musical genre. Students may even be invited to contribute to the course content by bringing personally favored music to be studied.

MUS-249. Practicum. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music Students only. Weekly lessons in a one-to-one or small group arrangement with a faculty member prepares the student in the techniques of professional music recording. Appropriate projects are assigned to help the individual student develop his or her recording skills in various situations and with various types of equipment. A three song professional EP and podcast will be produced and presented to the artist at the end of the semester.
Prerequisites: MUS-165, MUS-167, MUS-180, MUS-182, MUS-259
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-250. Internship in Music Recording. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music students only. This course assigns the student to experience the actual working conditions in an established music recording studio facility. With the cooperation of the facility director, appropriate work projects are assigned and the student judged on his or her level of knowledge, expertise and confidence in the various aspects of the music recording business.
Prerequisites: MUS-165, MUS-167, MUS-180, MUS-182, MUS-259
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-251. Sound Reinforcement. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Sound Reinforcement introduces students to the set-up and use of equipment for live sound events ranging from musical performances to musical theater. Students learn first-hand about sound system set up and operation. Sound Reinforcement provides students a well-rounded and practical audio education that prepares them for professional work in the audio industry.
Prerequisites: MUS-165.

MUS-252. Internship in Theatre Technology. 2 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs COOP 90 hrs
Students will complete a professional internship in technical theatre during the summer between their first and second year. This course is offered to students contemplating a career in Theatre Technology. The student will receive guidance in resume writing, job-searching, website development, and other qualitative skills associated with a professional work environment. The candidate will be encouraged to seek out positions that cover either a broad range of skill-sets, or more focused work, depending on their particular interest(s). The Internship aims to offer students the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-life environments through an industry placement for eight-weeks. It is expected that the skills developed will help them perform better and obtain future employment and/or acceptance to a baccalaureate program in technical theatre after graduation.
Prerequisites: Completion of their first year course work with a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-253. Independent Study in Music II. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music Emphasis students only. Independent Study in Music is designed to allow the student who has a specialized interest or who is pursuing a topic at an advanced level to engage in rigorous individualized study. The study plan must be designed by the student and a faculty member and must be approved by the department chair.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-254. Independent Study in Music III. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music Emphasis students only. Independent Study in Music is designed to allow the student who has a specialized interest or who is pursuing a topic at an advanced level to engage in rigorous individualized study. The study plan must be designed by the student and a faculty member and must be approved by the department chair.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-255. Independent Study in Music IV. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
For Music Emphasis students only. Independent Study in Music is designed to allow the student who has a specialized interest or who is pursuing a topic at an advanced level to engage in rigorous individualized study. The study plan must be designed by the student and a faculty member and must be approved by the department chair.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-258. Contemporary Music: 20th-21st Century. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A study of the musical trends, idioms, styles and aesthetics of the Classical Music, Jazz, Rock, Latin Music, and Film Music of the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition to the study of the literature, students will be broadly educated on the fundamental elements of music including melody, harmony, counterpoint, musical forms, texture and orchestration. Students may be invited to contribute subject matter by bringing personally favored music of the 20th and 21st centuries to be studied, analyzed and discussed.

MUS-259. Hard Disc Recording. 2 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 45 hrs
Students learn about the operation and application of AVID Pro Tools hard disk recording and editing software. Topics include signal flow and routing, editing, fades and cross fades, digital signal processing, mixing, and automation.
Prerequisites: MUS-165, MUS-167 and MUS-180 or MUS-165, MUS-112 and MUS-124
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

MUS-291. Special Topics in Music. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A broad-based review of musical topics ranging from a continuation of sight singing, ear training and keyboard harmony to technology-based courses such as Live Sound, and Music for Film.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.

MUS-292. Special Topics in Music. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
A broad-based review of musical topics ranging from a continuation of sight singing, ear training and keyboard harmony to technology-based courses such as Live Sound, and Music for Film.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair.