Nursing (NUR)

NUR-012. Nursing Transition: Advanced Placement Status. 0 Credits.
LECT 15 hrs LAB 15 hrs
This is a mandatory pre-requisite course required of all students granted advanced placement, prior to starting NUR-123, Basic Medical/Surgical Nursing. This course is designed to assess readiness and facilitate a smooth transition for the advanced-placement student into CCM's nursing program. Emphasis is placed on the conceptual framework of the CCM Nursing program, use of the nursing process, communication skills, ethical and legal issues, the role of the registered professional nurse, and safe and effective care. Physical assessment, patient safety, dosage calculation and medication administration are also reviewed and evaluated in a simulated laboratory environment.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

NUR-105. Foundations of Nursing. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course provides the foundational concepts on which nursing education and practice are built. Students apply basic knowledge of these concepts as they begin to learn the practice of nursing. Historical, sociocultural, ethical and legal tenets are studied. Students gain an appreciation for the profession of nursing as well as awareness of the responsibility and accountability expected.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into NUR-121 and permission of department chair
Corequisites: NUR-121 or NUR-123 (Advanced Placement track only).

NUR-106. Medical Terminology. 2 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs
This course is intended for any student interested in learning the basic construction of medical words. Students acquire a solid foundation to aid in retention of medical vocabulary and facilitate understanding of new terms. Prefixes, suffixes, and root words are introduced in a logical manner. A brief outline of the anatomy and physiology of each body system is presented, followed by the related pathophysiology. Included are terms describing diseases, disorders and related surgical, diagnostic and treatment terms. Students become proficient in word building and recognition of medical terms as they relate to anatomy and physiology. Students become familiar with terminology relevant to pharmacology as well as psychiatry.

NUR-121. Fundamentals of Nursing. 6 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs LAB 45 hrs CLIN 90 hrs
This course serves as the foundation for all subsequent nursing courses. The nursing process is introduced with concentration on the assessment of man's basic health needs, which are identified as psychosocial, elimination, rest and activity, safe environment, oxygen and nutrition. The development and use of fundamental nursing skills and interventions are included. Concepts of clinical decision-making skills are introduced. Learning experiences are planned, using the classroom, campus laboratory and community clinical facilities.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair
Corequisites: Acceptance into the Professional Phase and permission of the department chair.
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

NUR-123. Basic Medical/Surgical Nursing. 10 Credits.
LECT 90 hrs CLIN 180 hrs
This course focuses on the study of adults with a variety of commonly occurring medical-surgical problems that interfere with the ability to meet basic health needs. Students utilize the nursing process to prioritize and provide appropriate nursing interventions for patients with higher acuity. Students use assessment skills to develop appropriate nursing diagnoses, outcomes and plans of care. Related theory, therapeutic communication skills and nursing care skills are employed in the provision of patient care in clinical facilities. Clinical decision-making skills are further developed.
Prerequisites: NUR-012 or NUR-121 and permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

NUR-213. Maternal-Child/Mental Health Nursing. 10 Credits.
LECT 90 hrs CLIN 180 hrs
The focus of this course shifts from the study of the adult as an individual to that of the family and community. Concentration is placed on the health needs/problems of psychiatric and maternal/child patients. Utilization of the nursing process with special populations to address patient problems is provided across a range of healthcare settings. Knowledge of community, psychiatric, and maternal/child nursing is developed through clinical decision-making skills, Evidence Based Practice (EBP) project, case studies and clinical experiences. Selected medical-surgical skills will be reviewed and/or experienced.
Prerequisites: NUR-123, and permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

NUR-214. Advanced Medical/Surgical Nursing. 10 Credits.
LECT 90 hrs CLIN 180 hrs
This course provides students with the opportunity to further develop and apply clinical decision-making skills to patient care. The PERSON approach is utilized to provide care for patients with health problems resulting when the ability to meet one or more health needs is severely compromised. Evaluation of the outcomes of care given is a significant focus. Appropriate learning experiences are planned involving patients with multiple acute and chronic problems using the classroom, campus laboratory and various health care facilities.
Prerequisites: NUR-213 and permission of department chair
Corequisites: NUR-224
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

NUR-224. Nursing Colloquium. 1 Credit.
LECT 15 hrs
This course involves an examination of selected topics and issues that students in the final semester of the professional phase of the Nursing Program will experience as they transition from the role of student nurse to graduate nurse. Topics concerning professional development and preparation for the workplace are addressed. Ethical, legal and professional issues that impact the practice of the graduate nurse are examined.
Prerequisites: NUR-213 and permission of department chair
Corequisites: NUR-214.