Packaging Design (PKG)

PKG-101. Packaging Technology I. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
An introductory course in the materials and processes used for common household and industrial packaging. Studies will include the folded carton, the materials, the manufacturing process and the sizes and constraints related to their production. The common commercial bottle will be explored as well as packaging materials used in the food and medical industries. Related discussions will go into the concepts and applications of primary and secondary packaging. Basic study of surface finishes to parallel the co-requisite course in Packaging Design I will also be discussed.
Prerequisites: ART-130, GRD-108, GRD-109
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

PKG-120. Packaging Design I. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
An introductory course in graphic design methods for common household and industrial packaging. Studies will include graphic design for the folded carton, the materials, sizes and constraints related to their development. Label design for bottles and containers used in the food and medical industry will be explored. Related discussions will go into the concepts and graphic design applications of primary and secondary packaging. Structural and physical properties to track with the parallel course students are required to take in Packaging Technology I will also be discussed.
Prerequisites: ART-130, GRD-108, GRD-109
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

PKG-202. Packaging Technology II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
A continuing study of advanced materials used in the packaging industry and the advanced processes used to develop them. An emphasis will be placed on studies related to the practice of sustainable packaging and its impact on the environment on a global scale. Pricing and cost efficient practices will be explored as well. Studies will include the folded carton, the materials, the manufacturing process and the sizes and constraints related to their production. The common commercial bottle will be explored as well as packaging materials used in the food and medical industry. Related discussions will go into the concepts and applications of primary and secondary packaging. Intermediate study of surface finishes to parallel the co-requisite course in Packaging Design I will also be discussed.
Prerequisites: PKG-101 and PKG-120
Corequisites: PKG-220
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

PKG-219. CAD for Packaging Design and Manufacture. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
CAD for packaging allows everyone from the novice to the professional to create production-ready packaging in a quick and efficient manner. With a focus on folded cartons, students learn to create designs from scratch using an extensive library of packaging templates. Course work involves designing packaging and 2D and 3D virtual modeling for production. ArtiosCAD is the world's most popular structural design software for packaging design, with dedicated tools specifically designed for packaging professionals for structural design, product development, virtual prototyping and manufacturing.
Prerequisites: PKG-101 and PKG-120 or permission of department chair
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.

PKG-220. Packaging Design II. 3 Credits.
LECT 30 hrs LAB 45 hrs
An intermediate course in graphic design methods for common household and industrial packaging. Studies will include graphic design for the folded carton, the materials, sizes and constraints related to their development. Label design for bottles and containers used in the food and medical industries will be explored. Related discussions will go into the concepts and graphic design applications of primary and secondary packaging. To track with the parallel course students are required to take, Packaging Technology II, structural and physical properties will also be discussed. Packaging graphics and form will be explored from a global perspective.
Prerequisites: PKG-101 and PKG-120
Corequisites: PKG-202
Additional Fees: Course fee applies.