Spanish (SPN)

SPN-111. Elementary Spanish I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of, or with limited background in, the language. Emphasis is on fundamentals of conversation, reading and writing. Practice in pronunciation, basic vocabulary and the essentials of grammar are incorporated. Not for students with two or more years of high school Spanish. See department chair. Not for native speakers, that is, not for speakers that grew up and/or studied in a Spanish-speaking country.

SPN-112. Elementary Spanish II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Students with one prior semester of Spanish expand their study of basic Spanish pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of an elementary nature. Grammar study includes past tenses, the present progressive tense, the verb gustar, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjectives, reflexive verbs, and prepositions. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Spanish language proficiency. The cultural context of the language is also covered.
Prerequisites: SPN-111 or permission of department chair.

SPN-211. Intermediate Spanish I. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course expands the Spanish vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills of those students wishing to continue work towards an intermediate knowledge of the Spanish language. Grammar study includes expanded use of prepositions, relative pronouns, preterit and imperfect tenses, commands, and an introduction to the subjunctive mood. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Spanish language proficiency. Cultural aspects are also discussed.
Prerequisites: SPN-112 or permission of department chair.

SPN-212. Intermediate Spanish II. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course expands the Spanish vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills of those students wishing to attain an intermediate knowledge of the Spanish language. Grammar study includes general tenses in the indicative and subjunctive moods. Vocabulary and grammar support listening, reading, speaking and writing in an effort to enhance Spanish language proficiency. Cultural aspects are also discussed.
Prerequisites: SPN-211 or permission of department chair.

SPN-218. Advanced Spanish Conversation. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Advanced Spanish Conversation instructs students conversant in Spanish in the correct and appropriate vocabulary, grammar and syntax for accurate spoken communication. Students deepen their understanding of idiomatic usage of the several Spanish-speaking countries through discussion of the varied themes explored by contemporary writers in short stories and other non-fiction readings, as well as consider shades of meaning inherent in their own syntactical and lexical choices. The varied readings and the interchange of ideas among the expected population of both American and Hispanic students support the cultural context of the language - the history, literature and art of the Hispanic people, and provide insight into the various ethnic and racial populations within each Spanish-speaking country and in the United States.
Prerequisites: SPN-212 or permission of department chair.

SPN-219. Advanced Spanish Composition. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
Advanced Spanish Composition focuses on correct and appropriate written forms of communication in Spanish. The expository and argumentative essays are studied along with other special types of formal and informal writing. Students review spelling, syntax and grammar, and are expected to conduct extensive conversation in Spanish to elicit topics for writing projects. This course helps English speakers to develop new structures in Spanish syntax and understand to a greater extent aspects of Hispanic culture embodied in written forms. It also increases the knowledge of written structures of native speakers and expands their understanding of formal written language. Classes for this course are conducted entirely in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPN-212 or permission of department chair.

SPN-220. Spanish Literature. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course provides a historical and critical overview of Spanish Peninsular literature beginning with the Middle Ages and ending in the present. Among the literary periods to be covered are the Renaissance, the Baroque period, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, the Generations of 1898 and 1927, and post-Spanish Civil War, Don Juan Manuel, Garcilaso de la Vega, Santa Teresa de Jesus, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Becquer, Perez Galdos, Unamuno, Machado, Lorca, Cela, Ana Maria Matute, and Carmen Martin Gaite. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPN-212 or permission of department chair.

SPN-223. Survey of Latin American Literature: Pre-Columbian to the Present. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
This course provides a historical and critical overview of Latin American literature beginning with pre-Columbian myths and poetry, and continuing through the literature of the conquest and the colonies, independence, Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, the mid-twentieth century Boom and the Post-Boom on up to the present. Major writers may include Hernan Cortes, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Dario, Marti, Neruda, Paz, Garcia Marquez, Poniatowska, Valenzuela and Allende. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPN-212 or permission of the department chair.

SPN-291. Special Topics in Spanish. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An examination of selected topics or issues in Spanish. Topics may differ each time the course is offered. Students should consult the department chair for further information.
Prerequisites: An advanced course in Spanish or permission of department chair.

SPN-292. Special Topics in Spanish. 3 Credits.
LECT 45 hrs
An examination of selected topics or issues in Spanish. Topics may differ each time the course is offered. Students should consult the department chair for further information.
Prerequisites: An advanced course in Spanish or permission of department chair.