Accessibility Services

The office of Accessibility Services works to both determine and document through an interactive collaborative intake process with the qualifying student, accommodations that may be useful for the student to utilize in their classes. Accommodations are designed to meet the needs of disabled students to provide equal access to college classes and services. Students receive services and accommodations while completing regular course offerings, and all students are held to the same academic standards of the college. Accommodations are granted in accordance with the policies underlying Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and ADA Amended Acts (ADAAA) of 2010. 

County College of Morris recognizes that students with disabilities may need accommodations to meet their academic potential. Accessibility Services is designed to offer accommodations that provide equal access to college classes and services. Accommodations may include any or all of the following: extended time for exams, alternative to print materials, Assistive Technology, ASL Sign language interpreters or other accommodations as needed. To request accommodations, a student can apply for services using the following link:

At the college level, students are responsible for self-identifying and will use Titan’s AIM -  Accessibility Services portal to notify faculty of their accommodations. Accessibility Services also provides accommodated testing facilities for students and access to certain assistive technology.