Student Development

The Division of Student Engagement and Success is committed to providing comprehensive services and activities that complement the learning process and maximize the ability of each student to realize their educational and life goals. Students benefit more from their college experiences when their total level of campus engagement – academic, interpersonal and extracurricular – is mutually supporting and relevant to particular educational outcomes. Involvement in the academic and social life of the institution enhances student learning. Departments within the division offer integrated and complementary academic and social programs, comprehensive resources, and policies and practices that increase learning and support students’ educational goals. These services are staffed by professionals who help students make the most of their educational opportunities by:

  • Providing the conditions and opportunities in which students might succeed, and determining and recommending best practices that lead to success;
  • Providing sufficient opportunities for meaningful student participation in the life of the institution, such as leadership roles in academic and social organizations and recreation;
  • Providing a full range of student support services to permit students to benefit from college programs;
  • Connecting students with community resources to address basic, personal, medical, mental health and financial needs that impede academic progress;
  • Recommending and providing programs that assure students’ competence in specified academic and skills areas;
  • Partnering with students to identify goals and strengthen skills that help students be successful in and out of the classroom.
  • Interacting with, supporting and supplementing the learning process that occurs in the classroom;
  • Appreciating the diverse population that constitutes the student body and promoting an awareness and an appreciation of that diversity;
  • Fostering an environment in which students can acquire the knowledge and skills to carry them forward throughout life.