Student Clubs and Organizations
Part of college life is the personal enrichment obtained outside of the classroom through involvement in campus activities. Through participation in the various County College of Morris (CCM) academic, cultural, social, religious, governance and recreational organizations, students have the opportunity for self-exploration and self-discovery while developing relationships with fellow students, faculty members, staff and administrators. There are usually between 35 to 45 active student organizations in any given year. While the current group of student clubs serves a wide range of interests, new student organizations can be started at any time during the academic year.
For current student organization descriptions, visit Student Organization Descriptions.
College Activity Hour
Students who would like to participate in campus activities may want to plan their schedule around “College Activity Hour.” Each week, the college sets aside specific activity periods, 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. During these times, students may participate in many activities, including student club and organizational meetings, intramural activities, college committee meetings and college sponsored functions such as special lectures, films, festivals and celebrations. In most cases, classes scheduled during “College Activity Hour” can be taken at other times.
For current student news and events, visit the Current Students Upcoming Events calendar.