Grading System

Grade Interpretation Quality Points
A 4
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2
D 1
F 0
R Registered to Audit None
I Incomplete None
IE Incomplete Extension None
P Pass None1
SP Satisfactory Progress None1
W Withdrew None2
EX Credit by Examination None
TR, TA, TA-,TB+, TB, TB-, TB, TC+, TC, TC-, TD Transfer Credit None

Grades used in non-credit courses


Without academic penalty

Grade Appeal Policy

Grades are determined solely by individual faculty members, and may be changed by the faculty member only. Students who wish to contest a grade given by a faculty member must:

  • Attempt to resolve the matter with the faculty member concerned first.
  • To pursue this appeal beyond the faculty member concerned, the student must be prepared with evidence as to why the grade posted by the faculty member is in error.
  • If the matter cannot be resolved with the individual faculty member, the student may pursue the appeal by bringing it to the attention of the appropriate department chair, who will confer with the faculty member and review all the evidence pertaining to the appeal.
  • Grades may not be changed after graduation except when an error in the recording of a grade has occurred.
  • Appeals should be made no later than one semester after the grade is posted.

Grades and Averages

  • A student’s Semester Grade Point Average is a measure of his or her work for any one semester.
  • The Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) represents all work completed at the college.

How to calculate your Grade Point Average (GPA)

As indicated before, letter grades are assigned a point value:

A = 4 points

A- = 3.67 points

B+ = 3.33 points

B = 3 points

B- = 2.67 points

C+ = 2.33 points

C = 2 points

D = 1 point

F = 0 points

Grade Point Average Calculation 

  • Multiply the point value of the grade you receive in each course by the number of credits offered for the course.
  • The resulting number is called “total quality points.”
  • Add the total quality points and divide by the total number of attempted credits.

Example: A student received the following grades over the course of two semesters at County College of Morris:

Semester I Grade Point Value Credits Quality Points
English Composition I C+ 2.33 3 6.99
Phlebotomy B- 2.67 4 10.68
The Middle Ages A 4 3 12
Intro to Philosophy B 3 3 9
Lifetime Wellness B 3 2 6
Total 15 44.67

To calculate the grade point average divide the total quality points (44.67) by the total credits (15). This student’s grade point average is 2.97 for Semester I.

In this student’s second semester, the student earned another 15 credits and 48 total quality points. The grade point average for Semester II is 3.2.

  Credits Total Quality Points
Semester I 15 44.67
Semester II 15 48
Cumulative 30 92.67

To calculate this student’s cumulative grade point average, add the total number of credits attempted for both semesters and the total number of quality points earned for both semesters.

Then divide the cumulative quality points (92.67) by the cumulative credits (30). The result is a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.08. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation.

Midterm Warnings

Midterm warning notifications are sent to students when they are demonstrating unsatisfactory academic work and/or lack of attendance through the midpoint of the 15 week term.

  • An unsatisfactory "U" designation indicates that the student’s performance in the class is unsatisfactory.
  • The "SW" designation indicates that the student should withdraw from the course.
  • Neither designation appears on the student’s transcript, but is an indicator that a student should seek academic support through The Academic Success Center and/or tutoring from the Tutoring Center.

Incomplete Grades

A student who has completed substantial coursework may request an Incomplete (I grade) after the Withdrawal deadline has passed. At the discretion of the faculty member, an Incomplete (I) grade is given to students who are unable to complete academic work from the current semester due to illness or other circumstances beyond their control.

Students should present their instructor with a written, valid reason for the missed work. Students should speak with their instructor to request an Incomplete and make a plan to complete their work within four weeks of the end of the semester (the last date of the term). Students will receive a grade when the work is completed.

If the work is not completed by the end of the four-week period, the Incomplete (I) will be converted to a Failure (F).

Incomplete Extension

Students who have been granted an Incomplete can request an Incomplete Extension (IE designation) if the student provides documentation of extenuating circumstances and requires more time to complete the course work. Students must present their written request with an expected completion date to the faculty member prior to the end of the Incomplete four-week deadline. If approved by the faculty member, the Incomplete Extension Form will be submitted by the faculty member via email to the Office of Records and Registration ( and copied to the Department Chair.

Records and Registration will post the “IE” designation on the student’s record. The “IE” will temporarily prevent the “F” conversion at the end of the four-week period after the term concludes. Students will receive a grade when the work is completed.

If the final grade is not submitted to Records and Registration by the expected completion date, the “IE” designation will be converted to an “F” grade.

The “IE” designation does not override pre-requisite requirements and may impact the student’s registration for the next term.