Study Abroad Program
To provide its students with access to a global education, County College of Morris offers study abroad opportunities through its membership in the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS). The consortium has programs in 17 countries with courses in a variety of major areas. The number of programs and countries varies, so students should check the Consortium's website for the most current offerings.
Most programs require at least 15 credits of completed course work and a minimum grade point average of 2.5 to apply. Study abroad participants are subject to additional fees and tuition, but financial aid may be available to qualified students.
For details on how to study abroad, students should schedule and an appointment with the study abroad advisor well in advance of the planned semester abroad. Students may stop by the Arts and Humanities Department in Emeriti Hall, Room EH120, or call 973-328-5420. The study abroad program and advisor are located in this department.